Why are most events of NEEV being launched at 7:39 pm ?
This competition is open to SCMHRDians only.
Post your answers as comments in this blog post
One prize for the first correct entry
One prize for the most craziest entry about the significance of 7.39. ( For example, see the first comment by Gaurav Parab)
Prizes will be given during NEEV 09 on December 11th.
Because around 7.39 pm, the NEEV stomachs start growling for the tasty mess food.
Its coz the neev team took bejan daruwalla's prediction regardin auspicious time 2 launch the events.
Because it was 7.39 pm when the name NEEV was formulated....and since then they have stopped the clock in neev room, and neevites give tribute to the name "NEEV" at 7.39 pm by giving out info abt neev at this time.
Coz Subbu Sir said so..
7:39 = 19:39 or 1939
World war II was launched in 1939!!
- UK and France declare war on Germany, September 3, 1939
- Canada declares war on Germany, September 10, 1939
- Soviet Union invades Poland in agreement with Hitler, September, 1939
- Poland falls, September 27, 1939
- U.S.S.R invades Finland, November 30, 1939
where is my prize money??? 10k/15k how much... how much??
Sumit Agrawal
Congrats Sumit !
You win NEEV goodies,
Regarding the 10,000 K - well, Brasstacks is being unleashed at 1939 tomorrow.
Make sure you are logged into dare2compete to get that cash.
Competition for the crazy entry is still open.
So, why 1939 Hours ?
cause NEEV has Rs. 1939 in their Account!
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